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Food Drive to benefit the Sister Regis Food Cupboard


Updated: Jun 6, 2022

July 11, 2020

FAAR in cooperation with Continental Martial Arts Supplies collected non-perishable food items and other items needed by the Sr. Regis Food Cupboard located at 316 Bay St. The pantry serves approximately 963 poor and needy households in a month.

Thank you to all who donated canned foods and non-perishable food items to FAAR's Canned Food Drive. Items were collected during association events and at our drop off location July 25, 2020 and delivered by the Community Outreach Team led by Ethel, Aileen and Thelma outside the doors of the church to maintain safe Covid distancing for Sister Julia Norton and staff on July 27.
This is an ongoing community outreach event and we thank you for your generosity!

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